This morning, the sun came out first thing, and that improved my attitude about the oil change instantly... I was right outside jacking up the car and finding the oil drip pan... Of course this car takes hex stud wrenches, in metric sizes.
And when you pull the stud bolt, you get ten quarts coming all at once. So you had better have a big oil pan, or its going to be a mess! The filter is a paper cartridge that goes into a removable canister like a tractor or my really old chevys were.
Then its sealed with o rings that are 4 inches around... I never have found anyone other than BMW that would tackle the work... And they are soooo high priced, that I learned to do it myself... Even just buying the oil and the filter costs $80.
Eventually I poured the dirty oil back into the jugs and took them up to the back end of Wal Mart where they accept recycle oil... And then Wendy's is in the outskirts of the Wal Mart parking lot.
Once I was back home, I thought about calling it a day, but that dirty motorscooter was staring me in the face, so I rolled it back outside and hooked up the pressure washer... It needed the mud blown out from under it.
It was nicely warm in the outside sun, but I was fairly wet from the washer, so no ride was in the cards after I was finished...
We had a birthday party tonight for our DIL and oldest grand daughter.. Their birthdays are only one day apart, so we always celebrate them together... Loyce and Ema were together all day today, so they had some good girl time going.
Oh, my Iowa team took it right to the Minnesota folks today in Iowa City... Perhaps they were looking for revenge from loosing with an onside kick in the last seconds from last week...
Minnesota just happened to be unlucky and draw this upset Iowa team the next week. I would be sorry for them, but they have won that series for the last couple of years so it was time for Floyd of Rosedale to come back South. The travelling trophy is a big brass pig on a trophy base.
Minnesota is the overall winner of the series with Floyd as the trophy with something like 41-35 and two ties.... And there were games before the pig, but I didn't count them, but Minnesota looked like it had more back then too...
So I am not worried for Minnesota.....
Retired Rod
20 hours ago