It's July 29th.... And that was the day that Microsoft promised Windows 10... And as I was using this new tablet that I purchased, a Microsoft Surface, a few minutes after midnight eastern, it came up and asked if I wanted Windows 10...
Not knowing how to get it otherwise, I closed what I was reading and answered it Yeah sure... The programs must have been downloaded already, because it started right off installing the files... And in less than an hour I was running W 10.. Well that was easy peasy... I didn't mess with it for very long as it was well past bed time.
Today was a motorcycle function, but it rained... So we went in the car.. And of course it was dry when we got to the distant town, so we took loads of BS about being sissies...
That's another story... But anyway tonight I tried to see if my laptop would also down load the software.... Nope, no go... Wait your turn, like a nice fellow..... Then I saw an article about jumping the line up in Yahoo... And then Rick up in Vancouver Island had a write up with better instructions, on how to jump the line... So off I went down loading as he instructed...
This time I had to wait while the software down loaded 3 gig... And then install it.. I think it was already on my computer, but the software didn't recognize its presence and pulled it down again... This time it took about an hour and a half from start to finish.... And I have an I7 processor, but I think your hard disk speed is more the limiting factor...
So within less than 24 hours, I have both microsoft computers updated to W 10. So what am I typing this post on..? The Linux desktop of course... But I have messed around with the laptop here for a couple of hours, and I couldn't break the software... W 10 seems intuitive, especially if you are coming from W8.1... All of that jumping back and forth from the W7 desktop and the W8 charms screen is gone!!
They have put back the start button in even a more robust fashion than W 7.. Clicking it brings up a start dialog box that contains the touch screen charms... But you can run that with the mouse too...
So if your up in arms about going to W 10..... Go ahead, its much more like W 7, but runs all the Apps that W 8 ran... And has an App Store and all the stuff that Apple has got us accustomed to..
I didn't do a thing other than sit here and watch it install itself....
Retired Rod
17 hours ago