In the little town of George West, Tx South of San Antonio. On Hwy 281 headed to Mc Allen. Its still cold here tonight. It was about 40 degrees when we stopped at 8:00 PM.
Have not checked it out since. Both heaters are running in the camper. The electric one its running constantly and the LP gas heater is cycling on and off. Every time that Loyce opens the door, both heaters run for a long time.
We left Kansas City about 11:30 on Tuesday and headed South on I 35. Didn't change the outside temperature much all day, as it was 22 or so when we left and we never saw over 30, even though it was sunny. We lost the snow when we went into Oklahoma but the temperature never changed. Snow or no snow. We drove on through Oklahoma City and then on to the South edge of Oklahoma at Ardmore.
Stopped at the flying J and bought gas and propane. It was 20 degrees, the lady at the desk said they were forcasting 12. We had the dog with us and the only thing we could find that was pet friendly, was Motel 6.
Spartan is the word for that. But is had a heater and it worked. So we got the bigger room, might as well splurge when you are at the big M6, Ha Ha.
It was clean and fairly comfortable, the shower was hot and we were fine. We drove a little over 400 miles each day and are within about 250 of reaching the Rio Grand valley. An easy run for tomorrow.
We can only hope there is Wifi when we get there as we have been out of touch for the last two days.
3 hours ago
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