The drive back to KC was uneventful. We go over the road so many times, that is seems that we know what is under each rock. But the gas price changes if nothing else does.
So we filled up in Holden, Mo at $3.75. As you know, everything else is over $4 so this was quite a find. But alas, we had Loyce's little Escape Ford and we only needed 6 gallons. It only holds about 16 or so completely empty.
KC was much hotter than at the Lake as we had 93 when we arrived. The air conditioner was set at 80 when we left, so the house was warm. It felt cool when we came in from 93, but after you stayed a while it was warm.
We busily unpacked the car with all the food and baggage from the weeks stay in the lake. Not much else happened. The house cooled ever so slowly, and I washed out the backyard swimming pool as the bugs had made it into a place to pass on.
It took about 2 hours to fill the pool with the hose on full. It was cold as well.
This morning I was up early and mowed the yard before the heat of the day overcame me. Once the one year old arrived, we went out to play in the pool. I was hot from ridding the tractor and the pool was still on the very cool side. But I got into it with her and sat there as she played some and was frightened some.
It is about armpit deep on me as I sat down on the bottom. That puts it above her waist. She had a kiddie life vest on, but it frightens her to float. I was trying to get her to settle down and learn to float, but that wasn't in the cards for today.
After some errands in the truck mid afternoon, I spent the rest of the day on the computer reading about the big green egg charcoal cooker. They are massively expensive, and I don't think it is worth it. Besides they are heavy and not portable to take with the RV. Keep telling yourself that, because you need the 900 bucks for gasoline for the RV. LOL
Late tonight, I got to reading blogs and here it is already midnight. So another day is shoot in the foot.
How I miss my Colorado home
1 hour ago
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