I did have a very nice time going to Des Moines yesterday. It was a little hard rising at 4AM, but I made do. Years ago I did this all the time, when we were headed out on audits, but it is a memory that I really do not cherish.
When I left KC, it was in the 70's but arrival in Des Moines was 46 and cold rain. I had no idea that the weather was that volatile. My little spring coat was not up to the task.
The hamfest was filled with at least 300 folks by my estimation, and it seemed as though I knew at least half of them. As I walked around the room, it was old home week. Such fun with so many people to say hello to, and so little time to get it done.
I handed off the utility trailer to Larry, a friend from Greenfield. We disconnected it from my truck and I pulled away. He backed into the parking spot that I formarly had, and we reconnected the trailer to his truck. He was now parked in, instead of me, as cars had taken all the spots around the trailer. I hope he got out ok.
I went to Francie's, a bar that we all hang out in, out by the DSM airport. They had several tables pushed together, and hams were joining and leaving the group as they completed their meal. The talk was lively, and some good natured teasing was always in the wind.
After that group broke up at around 2PM, I went to go find my fatherinlaw Leroy. He has recently moved into the medical wing of the Wesley Methodist home. He had been in the Hospital for a few days, but you know they won't leave you in there for long.
I had a really nice visit with him and the facility was really nice. His spirits were up and I think he is on the mend. Perhaps that will limit his stay, and allow him to go back to his home. He is in his 90's and has to be careful of catching colds.
So that was the Des Moines jaunt, and you have read below, how KC was getting along when I got back.
Retired Rod
23 hours ago
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