Monday, August 9, 2010

Blue Mesa Dam and Morrow Point Reservoir

The sun was shining today and we went to the Blue Mesa Dam and drove along the North wall of the Black Canyon.  The water below the dam is called Morrow Point after the next dam in the series. Click on pictures to expand them.

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Up on top of one of the overlooks about a half mile from the parking lot. It is straight down behind the reader board.

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P1000302 Marina next to the Blue Mesa dam.

Tonight as the sun was going down we had a rainbow in the eastern sky.  I tried to make a panographic out of this but the computer couldn’t solve the match of the pictures.  So I will just post them one at a time.




It was double, but the camera didn’t see it too well except at the West end.

We went into Gunnison and did our laundry tonight, and I dumped the tanks and washed them out, so we are ready to move on in the morning. 

We are only going to Montrose about 50 miles West of here.  We will use that as our next base camp to explore Ouray and Silverton and the Million Dollar Highway to the South.

Our adventure continues.

Retired Rod


  1. Nice rainbow shotd, those babies for some reason are tough to get the camera just never see's what we see in a rainbow.Looks like you are jeaded for some interesting scenery. be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  2. Great shot of the rainbow and all of the others ain't bad either! Looks to me like you are really getting the hang of your new camera as those photos are really fantastic.

  3. Very nice pictures of the dam and the rainbow. Beautiful!


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