Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quartzsite on a Lark!

You just never know what the next day may bring.  We talked briefly on Monday night, and decided that Tuesday would be the day to go to Quartzsite!  Hey that was today.!

Biscuit, our resident alarm clock whined and whined at about 6:30.  Before the sun came up.  So we were up and had breakfast.  We were dressed and loaded up and gone before 9 AM.  But it is almost 3 hours to Q from way out East here in Mesa.

We were astonished to find the rest area open half way over to Q.  It has been closed for the last two years.  We think it was a budget thing here in Arizona, since water isn't too plentiful out in the middle of nowhere.  But it was a welcome stop again after fighting our way thru the center of Phoenix.  We do take the South loop of I 17 rather than I 10 right downtown, but you still have to deal with all the airport traffic.

Once in Q, we gassed the car up on the East end of town, even though it is a few cents higher priced.  Not nearly the crowd of folks out there.  Then we headed for the center of town.

We thought we would wander around in La Mesa RV for a while, to see what they had for sale in the way of motor homes.  They did have a brand new 2011 Allegro Bus, but we weren't too keen on the color scheme, and with a list price of $345K, that was fairly large to not really like it, LOL.

We looked at a Phaeton that was a 2007, but it was totally grimy inside.  The carpet looked as though it was parked in the desert for months.  We put up with our own dirt, but buying something with lots of other folks dirt, isn't for us.  It also had the older style TV's in it and we like our new flat screens in this rig, so that was out too.

Well onward to the big tent!  We spent about half an hour wandering around out in the desert parking to the West of the tent looking for parking that we could park the Camry in.  There were spots, but the sandy deep gravel, wasn't for our two wheel front drive car.  We didn't want to get stuck right there!

Finally we were inside the tent, and it was wall to wall people!  We wandered taking samples of wares, and buying a stove top grill, like Linda of RV Dreams recently purchased.  Loyce had a piece of chicken that the lady was grilling, and that cinched the sale.

Biscuit got a new little name tag to go on her collar, with her name and telephone number on it, and we wandered more. People every where.  I sat on my cane/chair, purchased from the Mesa swap meet, over in a corner, while Loyce looked at cosmetics.  Finally we made the swing around the outside vendors, where I purchased a big bag of Kettle Corn that was made with Splenda!

By then I was hungry, and we both scarfed it by the handfuls.  The lady said that the Splenda had to be the commercial liquid kind to use it in the Kettle process, because otherwise it would burn under the high heat.

We ducked for the car, even though it was still early, because Biscuit wanted to go potty!  Getting back out of the desert parking took some wheel spinning, but we blasted away, and were out.  Kinda of zoomed past a couple of cops at the blacktop, but I headed West rapidly.  No pursuit! LOL.

After a McDonalds up town, and the tour of main street back to the East end, we declared that Q was done for another year.

Loyce took over driving at the rest stop, and hung in there all the way thru the rush hour traffic, and we arrived back in Mesa just in time to watch the sun fade in the West.

I'm glad we don't do stuff like that every day, but we had fun too!

                                      Ya can't even tell I had a haircut, can you?

Retired Rod

Rick, we missed you by one day!  We gotta get our schedules coordinated better than that in the future, LOL!


  1. I've read several blogs that basically said the same as you about the Quartzite RV show. Sounds like something we might experience once just to do it, but not go to each year.

    Biscuit looks real cute in that pic. :)

  2. Biscuit looks good in her new doo, Sadie is getting shaggy again, so I will tell my Son to get her a haircut. Sounds like you guys had a good day at the tent sale. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna

  3. Yes, Quartzsite is definitely one of those places to experience at least once & I'm glad we did go there once. But why we went there for the next 3 years in a row I don't know. I'm just forced to do as I'm told sometimes I guess. We did do an opening day one time lining up first thing in the morning to get into the big tent. What a humungus slice of lunacy that decision was. Anyway, sounds like you survived the big tent madness OK & escaped Quartzsite unscathed to return again next year to do battle with the Q once more.....

  4. That is the first picture I have ever seen of Biscuit sitting still. But I am sure it was a momentary abberation.

  5. Ugh, Quartzsite, we are only 25 miles away and intend to stay 25 miles away! Biscuit is adorable! How did you get her to sit still for a photo?

  6. Great pic of Biscuit - looks clean a a whistle too!

    Too bad we didn't get our Q visits coordinated. I still owe you a cheeseburger and we could have had lunch while Loyce and Paulette endured the Big Tent madness.

  7. She was begging for some of that big bag of Kettle Corn, when I snapped her picture! Oh, Please daddy, Please!!!!

  8. Ah! Ah! That is the secret for making Biscuit pose.
    She does look so pretty, I am so glad that they didn't strip her.

    I have never been to Q, just didn't want to face all those crowds. Each blog I read about there, reinforces that!

    Happy Trails, Penny, TX


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