We received the last coat of dry wall mud on the walls in the basement today as the fellow was out in front of our house at about 7:30 waiting to come in. Loyce went out and got him saying he could start any time he wanted to.
I mostly just left him alone today, as all he was doing was slathering the final layer of compound over the existing walls. At about noon or so, I went down with a scraper and a dust broom and began to scrape the floors. As mud fell on the floor, this fellow was really quite good about bending over and scraping up the spills. But even with that there were a lot of places where mud had dried and caked on the floor.
I worked at that quite steady until the fellow declared that he was done for the day. Once he had cleaned up his mess and carted it out to his truck, I was able to clean up the rest of the dust. But that is only temporary, as the sand crew will be here in the morning to sand all the walls smooth. The dust will fly fast and furious for a while.
I was advised to turn off the furnace blower during this procedure, as we will have dry wall powder all over anyway. Oh great, I am looking forward to this procedure........
Tonight, I was over at Lowe's pricing paint and a sprayer to apply it. That won't be cheap either, but not near as much as if I hire it done. We will have to see how that plays out.......
Nothing much else happened here today, and I am looking forward to tomorrows progress....
Retired Rod
6 hours ago
The sanding isn't going to be fun but the end project will be worth it.