Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I have been fighting post surgical fever for the last couple of days.  Of course Loyce blames it on doing some stuff on Monday and perhaps she is right.  But all social web sites have been off for the last few days.  Fever is a really bad thing to fight, as I can hardly type and end up on the right keys.

So I thought I would just check in and hope for better days in the future.

Retired Rod


  1. You have got to slow down and give your body a chance to heal. We don't want you getting any sicker. So please take care of yourself.

  2. Jim and Sandie are right Rod, please take it easy and let your body heal!

  3. We'll still be here when you're all healed up and better. Just stay in that recliner, stay warm and get LOTS of rest or we'll be sending Nurse Ratchett to pay you a visit!

  4. When I saw "fever", I didn't think it was the "Disco" kind. Get those antibiotics going!
    Hope you feel better in no time.

  5. Ditto to what the others said Rod. Maybe Loyce will have to break your leg to get you to sit still. So behave!

  6. Sounds like you are shaking just like little Bisquit. Take it easy my friend.

  7. Hope you are feeling better Rod! Try to take it easy and not overdo - you will be able to get back to your projects soon enough.


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