I have been missing in action on the blog front around here for the last week or so.... I guess I was down in the blogging dumps, as the big motor cycle trip event that will be this years high lite isn't of much interest to my blog readers...
People going to the site and reading about the trip are down to less that half of normal blog entries where I didn't have much to report.... Just saying that you took a motorcycle trip seems to preclude people from even clicking on your blog.... Now had I driven the big lumbering motorhome getting 9 miles to the gallon.........
So this is one of those posts where I don't have much to report... We took a lunch ride out to Richmond, Mo on the North side of the Missouri river about 40 miles East of KC... This is to a Mexican restaurant where the people serving you are truly spanish speaking fellows.... They look at you kind of funny when they don't understand what you are asking for..... But when I changed to my very poor Spanish and asked for Coke dieta con mas heilo it came rather quickly...
See my time in the US Southwest hasn't gone completely to waste..
On Wednesday it rained for most of the morning so we sat around in McDonalds.... I had caught heck over driving the jeep the last time to the lunch, so we decided to just not go... And there were thirty or more folks that did brave the storm. Just not me...
Then on Thursday it was back to the Hospital here in KC for the annual tests that you can't study for... as a cancer survivor.. They always have trouble starting an IV on me, and this day wasn't any different... At one point they had blood running down my arm and dripping from my fingers... Maybe I wasn't helping too much, when I made the comments about the floor looking like an axe murder... Ya I have a weird sense of humor...
But the verdict was that I am free of the cancer for now... And I get to wait a whole year now before returning for yet another procedure... The Doctor said it was time that I gave up the professional patient badge.... See he has the same sense of humor....
Otherwise its just life as usual her in KC.... Pay the bills and mow the yard.... Oh, we did go to the lake over last weekend...
That trip was mostly to change the oil in the pontoon boat's engine and take the jet ski out of the water for yet another year... We set the furnace on really low heat for the winter and cleaned out the fridge.. Old items in the freezer are never good after six months, so we have learned to toss them now...
Biscuit and I are hanging in there for now and still have no idea when we will go West this year, but it can't be too far off...
Retired Rod
19 hours ago