We are now in Roswell, Nm. We drove 220 miles today, during one of the highest wind storms we have traveled in. The wind came from the Southwest, and that is the direction that the road takes.
There were gusts up to 40miles per hour, and we stopped in Clovis for about an hour to let some of the worst part of the day pass. Shopping at Wal Mart and sitting out in the parking lot, eating lunch passed the down time.
We had 81 degrees during the late afternoon. Thats not too bad considering it is November 4th.
When we arrived at Roswell, we went directly to this RV park. It is small and not overly nice. I think there are only 15 sites in a horse shoe around the back of the office. We are on one, of two pull thrus. It is unusual, as it has a gate on the front of the site that faces the Highway. To leave, we only need open the gate and pull directly out onto the road.
The wifi here is slow and not able to keep up with the camp during times that every one is on. Lowell from Des Moines called, but we were not able to make a reliable connection to actually talk to each other.
We watched the election returns tonight, but since we have no knowledge about New Mexico politics, it didn't mean too much, except for the national races. Now that the country has its favorite president, I am hopeful that the Markets will settle down and make some sense. Time will be the final measurement on that one.
Oh, and we didn't see any aliens here, except for the plastic blow up kind at the novelty shops in the downtown area. Since the UFO happened in 1947, it would seem that they have about all the mileage they can get out of that one.
We plan on driving down to Las Cruces in the morning. That goes thru the white sands missile base, but you can't see anything from the road. Except the really tall fence. Lol.
I hope the wind lets down some for tomorrow, but when it does, it is supposed to get down to freezing even this far South. That should be fun in our summer insulated trailer.
Retired Rod
Kris working on his concealed carry
1 hour ago
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