Rather we wandered the town looking for famous places. Everyone has heard of the bird cage. Folks were lined up to go thru this attraction as well.
Hey look, here is a gal coming out of the Shady Lady clothing (if you can call it that) store.
Golden Eagle Brewery, and the Crystal Palace.
They advertise food, but when we went inside.....
It looked like an old time drinking establishment to me. Not much food, but they had a flat panel TV up front over the pool table. Sort of killed the 1880's effect for me anyway.
The stage has arrived, wonder what desperados are getting off this time. Oh no they are just tourists. Looks like the biker gal in the foreground, hasn't read the Arizona no smoking law, LOL.
Hey there is big nose Kate's. Wasn't she Doc Holliday's girl friend?
We ordered a sandwich and sat patiently waiting for our food or for a bad guy to burst in the door.
They had the one man band thing doing a country western gig. He posed for me, but I didn't tip him. Remember I'm tight.
This place is authentic, according to the bouncers that carried colt 45's and were dressed in period correct clothes.
After the meal, we went to the newspaper office.
They have the paper on display that was published after the gun fight. If you click on the photo, it will enlarge so you can read the account of the fight.
This is a museum, and here is one of the old lynotype machines.
Another machine, but I do not think these are from the 1880's. More like from the 1930's.
We drove on to Bisbee, Az. It is a town built in a valley. It has all the ambience of San Francisco, on the hills. No cable cars, but the town is not that big.
Looking South, this is a Copper Mining town that exists to support the miners, until 1976, when they closed the mine. Now it is totally a tourist trap.
I tried to take a picture of the explanation of the mine, but it wasn't too legible.
This is the Queen Ann Mine. It is a really big hole in the ground.
The mining buildings are on the other side of the massive dig.
We were worn down by now, so we headed back to Benson.
Here at the campground, propane has been a hot seller all day. I was almost first in line this morning, with my empty tank this morning. Seems that we have a good price here at the campground, $2.19 a gallon. So we have had a line up all day long. Even when we came home tonight, the pump is still filling the empty tanks.
It was quite cold for trailers last night, as we were well below freezing. That must have brought out the empty tanks, or so it would seem.
Tomorrow we will move on to Tucson, a whopping 45 miles East of here, but quite a bit lower in altitude. That will make us warmer at night.
Retired Rod
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