Thursday, January 29, 2009

The last day!

Today was the last day we were with Larry and Jean for this winter’s tour.  So because it was the last day, we had to go and see everything we missed!  Well, some of them anyway.

First we went to an Olive Farm!


This is a nice place that had a peaceful outdoor garden among olive trees.  The inside was a restaurant, and gift shop.  Well perhaps a snack bar, or soup and sandwich bar.  The wines and olive oil are quite high priced, but they claim to be high quality.


We signed up for a tour, for five dollars, but it turned out to be sitting outside and listening to one of their employees tell us about the farm’s history and why we should buy Extra Virgin Olive Oil.  Kind of by scare tactics.  Lots of emphasis on the unclean or nasty practices of other olive producers.  And any other form of oil such as Canola, is all hydrogenated and bad for you.  Well so it is, and the olive has the least of this bad stuff.

After the lesson on the olive, we went into the press room where the machines that press the oil out of the olives resided.  She described the process that makes the olives into oil, and that was the end of the tour.


Exit to the gift shop, where the rah rah rah speech will make you want to buy all the pure olive oil products.  OK  We didn’t buy anything.

From there we went and had lunch at a Subway, and had sandwiches made with Mayo, a hydrogenated soybean oil.  Oh well, they are quite tasty you know.

Then we went on to the town of Florence.  This was billed as a historic town, but we found it to just be really old and of little interest.  The court house was somewhat neat, but I didn’t get a picture, since we didn’t stop anywhere.

From there, we went over to Casa Grande ruins at Coolidge, Az.  We were here a couple of weeks ago, and helped our friends see the most interesting parts of the displays there.


We were able to reinforce our knowledge of the facts of the ruins, and increase our understanding of the information presented.  I enjoyed the return visit.

Tonight, we went back again to Fuddrucker’s for some more sweet potato fries.  More bad vegetable oil, I am sure.  Since Larry and Jean will not have an opportunity to have the fries again, we went back for one last time.  Loyce and I changed up our orders for completely different menu items, so it wasn’t a repeat of the meal from yesterday.

With that, we bid our friends goodbye for now, as we will see each other again in several months time.  For sure, in May as we attend the Dayton Hamvention.

Retired Rod

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