You could have told us it was the first of March here today, and we would have believed you. Overcast and cold! Well in the 50's anyway which is a might cool for Kansas in the last few days of May!
We hung out at home all day going thru all the bills and some of the rest of the mail. Seems that Target stores is having a proxy voting war ahead of and during their annual meeting. We got a special delivery overnight envelope urging us to vote for the board recommended measures and directors. First time we ever got a special delivery invitation to vote corporate shares.
If successful, the adversary corporation could drastically change the Target Stores we now know. Lets hope folks can see thru this one.
Other than study stuff, and work on the computer, today was slow and cool.
Oh I did go to the basement ham shack and make a new cable to connect a portable GPS unit to the radio in the truck. When I am not using the big Geosat unit, I hook a small hockey puck receiver to the radio so it will still know its location. That cable had the end knocked off somehow and refused to work. It now has a new wire and molded phone plug.
Oh the trailer battery charged up normally. It maintained 11 volts under 100 amp load, so we won't need another new battery quite yet.
Retired Rod
10 hours ago
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