Friday, October 4, 2013

Medical Central

I have been under the weather so to speak...  Something went wrong in by back last Friday night at a picnic birthday party for Ema..  I got a big hand full of puss out of my back...

By Saturday the thing was swollen up and painful..   On Monday I thought I was dying...  I just forced my way onto the Doctor's schedule..  They gave me some antibiotics and sent me home...  Cyst...  

I was back at them on Thursday...  As the pain was unbearable...  They had several folks look at it, at KU Med... Professors, where they think I was bitten by a spider of some sort..  They changed all the meds again for Friday.. Its still horribly swollen...

So tonight I am wondering if I can lie down enough to go to bed...  Tylenol and a naproxin finally put me to sleep last night at three AM...

Biscuit seems to understand that I am sick too, as she has laid on me every moment.....

I did manage to go over to my son Chris' home a couple of afternoons while he assembled a floating wood floor in his foyer office...  I kind of sorted the pieces of wood and put glue in the grooves, while riding his office chair..  But that kept him seated on the floor rather than getting up and down for each piece...

So its been medical central around here...  But you know it must be serious when the Doc wants you to call her every day...   Not her nurse, her!  People do sometimes go into shock from these things...  But that would have happened last weekend..  She just determined that I was now living alone..

Retired Rod


  1. keep on top of that ...those things can be very painful and take awhile to heal....glad you have Biscuit on the job :)

  2. I had one of those on my tailbone and it seemed to take forever to heal. I'm really glad your doctor is having you check in every day. Sure glad that Biscuit is doing her job.

  3. Had a similar cyst thing on my back in the mid eighty's but not painful. Local freezing around the area & the surgeon removed it & stitched me up. No problems since. Better keep a close eye on that one of yours.. It sounds much more serious than what I had. Dogs understand things more than we humans know & Biscuit is concerned for you. She is a brave little dog having just undergone so much stress in her life this past month. She is needing love & understanding now as well.

  4. Oh lord take care of that. You know how slow the healing process is with your Diabetes. So glad to hear from you Rod. We were starting to get worried.

    Good job Biscuit

  5. Just want you to know I think of you a lot, get that cyst healed, and I hope maybe in the spring I can meet up with you finally.I trying to talk Donna into a month or two in Arizona this winter for her breathing.I think I read somewhere that tht is the place to go if you have breathing problems.Be safe out there buddy, Sam & Donna...

  6. Yes, it is good to hear from you but wish the news was better! Keep on top of that thing and give little Biscuit lots of hugs.

  7. So sorry to hear you've been sick. I hope that you will recover quickly. Are they removing the cyst?

  8. Get well soon and so glad Biscuit is looking after you!

  9. Praying for you. Hope the infection heals quickly. There will be a lot of liitle things that you realize are different. After I became a widow I had to change myvemergency contact info with my Dr and dentist.

  10. have heard of several people keeping spiders bites and they have become ill from them. more than usual
    just watch that it doesnt get affected. our furkids are amazing arent they

  11. That cyst sounds nasty but hopefully the meds will work their magic and clear it all up soon. Glad to hear that Biscuit is taking care of you too.

  12. I can't think of anyone I know who has just lost a spouse who hasn't had several medical issues, so please take good care of yourself. My Mom got shingles and also vertigo the year my Dad passed away, and fell a couple of times. So I hope you are careful.

  13. hopefully the meds work their magic and do it quickly..sounds like a good little furry nurse you have there...please feel better soon....

  14. Howdy Rod,
    You're still on the prayer-list so We'll just up it 'one-cyst' and pray harder... Hope the pain goes away quickly; you can stand the healing, but PAIN IS A BOOGER !!!
    Give Biscuit a big hug from us and as Sam, the Italian-bred Pizza maker sez, BE SAFE...

    Now I've got a healin' concoxshun from an old dead Indian, that might work; take a prickly-pear pad, split it open and use it like a 'plaster', inner-side down, changed every day... He said that would suck out the poison & promote healing; even in rattle-snake bites... He was about 104 y.o. when he died...

  15. Feel better, Rod ! Good thing you followed up with the Doc's a few days after the initial visit when the pain increased...... At least you have some treatment underway and hopefully that will do the trick ..... Good for Biscuit being Incharge at Medical Central !!!!! She knows what's going on !!! Take good care and relax.....All the best, Sally


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