Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

We had the Easter Brunch! It was at our house with all the Kids! Our two son's and their wives, and all four grand kids!

In short, it is a zoo. The gkids know that grandma has toys in the front closet, and they drug them all out. Oh and the kitchen set is in the hearth room along one wall. So the girls are competitive to make the next imaginary meal. All while the big girls are cooking for real.

We had eggs benedict, cheesy hash brown casserole, coffee cake with the brown sugar topping, baked french toast, sausage patties, fruit ambrosia, and flavored coffee. This is high sugar stuff, so I am afraid to check the old blood sugar. Maybe, just not eat anything more for a while. Some exercise here in a little bit could help a lot.

Everyone went home when the kids got tired. When sharing of toys becomes difficult, then you know its time to end the fun.

So just hanging around and watching he NCAA tournament this afternoon.

Have a good Easter at your house, and try not to eat too many candy eggs!

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