An interesting day, went by us in a flash today, as we finally were allowed into the new house... And since we were inspecting the insides very carefully, we didn't want to bother the fellow that was with us while we took pictures.....
This guy is Todd that I wrote about several times before... He is quite meticulous with his work and had almost everything showroom perfect.... We didn't see much in the way of things to correct or obvious flaws...
In the back yard, he saw a void in the mortar between a couple of concrete blocks in the wall divider, and pointed that out as he said it need fixed...... I would never have noticed that, and even if I had, it wouldn't be worth getting fixed....
We didn't quite know what to say other than Thank You.... Thank You for being so intent on getting things beyond right... Of course there are still a bundle of things to complete that the building company leaves up to us.... Like ceiling fans, and lights outside, and the entire yard inside the fence..
Bare floors and bare walls...... No appliances or furniture.... We have our work cut out for us..
We only stayed there for about 30 minutes, and during that time Todd called and told his people that we had accepted the property as it currently is.. Of course, I'm sure we will be developing a punch list once we spend some time in there... Loyce's honey do list for me or Todd or whom ever....
So off we went making necessary phone calls from the car to the title company and our financial people, to start getting this show on the road..... And one of these requirements was home owner's insurance.... I had picked out an agent in the North side of Mesa representing the Farm Bureau..
Way back when I was an independent CPA with a firm in Iowa, we had the Farm Bureau as a client... I was an insured at that time and have continued ever since.. Its the same little Iowa company from way back then, but now they cover almost all of the Western US states... Of course they are an Insurance Giant now...
So the next stop was to our new agent's office to apply and purchase the new home owners policy... This will be an extension of our policy in Kansas, but still took quite a while to build on the computer with new agent Sam! We paid the money and Joined the Arizona Farm Bureau as well. You have to be a member to buy insurance.... We are now Kansas and Arizona members, as well as Missouri reciprocal members.. City slicker members..... uh, they call it non producers.... Sounds nicer, though..
If all the ducks fall in a row, we might have some keys next week, and a place to unload all these vehicles we are driving... That would be quite a relief in itself.... And the storage locker from last time we were here as well...
The final trip of the day ended up with us over at the furniture store looking for a bed and table and stuff... But since this is too long already, I'll tell about that part later, if I ever get over the shock of it all.......
Retired Rod
By the way, its 109 as I type this at almost 7 PM, but that's the norm around here.....
35 minutes ago