I just looked at the current weather reported in Mesa.....97 degrees..... Its almost midnight here and about 10 pm there... It was 108 for five hours during the afternoon.... Our official high here was 83 so that is quite a difference..... I'm obviously thinking about having to return to the desert....
I spent most of the morning preparing the necessary paperwork for my brokerage firm to handle our financial portion of the new house.... It will take some signatures and things to bring all of this together. And we will not have the necessary office equipment with us when we finally leave Kansas to head back out to the desert...
We know when that will be, but do not want to post it here until after we have been gone for a couple of days for obvious reasons...
We hope we can pull all of this together without having to take the office equipment with us... Laser printer and fax machines are big and heavy. We do have that all in one machine, that ink jet prints and faxes and copies, but it is old and doesn't travel too well. If worst comes, we might have to buy a new one.
In the afternoon, I decided that all of the vehicles concerned in this upcoming travel, were well out of date on their oil changes. The Toyota still had about 500 miles left, but would be beyond its 3 K limit about half way out there, and the pickup was on its synthetic oil at about 4K miles, but was beyond reasonable time limits because it hadn't been changed for about 8 months... Remember it sat here all winter last year without being driven.
And since I am always fighting with the Wal Mart folks over their oil changes, I went to a Valvoline branded oil change shop. They were higher in price but managed to get me right thru in a reasonable amount of time, and allowed me to sit in the car while the work was done. Of course we got in the argument about the weight of the oil I wanted.... I always want heavier oil than recommended by the manufacturers. Its going to be way hotter in the desert than using 0W20. But I stand my ground and get the oil I want...
In the case of the truck, I asked for mixed synthetic oil and they wanted $59.95 which seemed high priced, but that didn't include that the truck took 7 quarts, and they got an additional $15 for two extra quarts.. So it ended up being $75. But oil is now becoming much higher in cost even at the Wal Mart. Their basic service is now $31.95, and I think it is $51.95 for synthetic and those prices only include the 5 quart change.
Well anyway I spent about 2 hours driving back and forth to the lube shop and waiting in line to get both vehicles changed out. And over $100 in price..... But its done, and we are good to travel now...
Also this morning, we found that Biscuit was very restless and had a red belly and inside of her ears.. Which equates to a fever. Loyce and I decided to not mess around with that one, and she had to be taken to the Vet. He found her to be reacting to allergies or perhaps a bug bite... But either way he decided to give her a steroid shot.
That has seemed to knock out the fever and her tummy has come back to normal color, but the side effect was that she has been drunken all day... She just laid in the recliner chair and slept, but then she hasn't slept very well for the last several days, so perhaps she is catching up. But we are still quite concerned about her.
I was in the animal cracker jar, here earlier as a desert for myself, and she perked right up and was begging her share of the cookies.... So she must be coming around... These pets are worse than people, because they can't tell you what is wrong....
But just like that the day is over...........
Retired Rod
4 hours ago
Our Scooter has allergies to grass which makes her miserable when we come north in the summer. So we carry a whole pharmacy of puppy meds with us just in case. Hope Biscuit is 100% better today. I don't even cringe any more when Jim has the oil changed in the diesel truck. I just cry. lol
ReplyDeleteI hate when my pets are ill--it is so hard to really find out why they are sick. Hope Biscuit feels better soon!
ReplyDeleteHowdy Rod,
ReplyDeleteYou're just to darn particular with the oil changes; when I quit using the car & trucks regularly and let Joyce watch the changes(everything is around or over 200K miles) I noticed 'my' truck was at 15Kfor the change and her car was 12K.. We use Valvoline X-tended mileage 10W30, she finally had them changed at about 17K &13K with filters.. She has never watched oil mileage and in her old clunkers would put ANY kind when it got low!!! What you're paying for oil changes; car, truck, scooters, motorhome, you should get an oil change franchise, when you get to Arizona!!! 108* is a fairly warm day,BUT IT'S DRY HEAT!!!! hahahaha Still think you'd be cooooler if you rode the scoot to AZ...
The fact that Biscuit is after treats is a good sign for sure. I'm sure she'll be back to normal after a good night's sleep.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your posts about oil changes. Mine are always so dull when I take our car or truck in, I have no idea what they even put in them.
Hi Rod, I hope Biscuit continues to improve. When do we get to see more pictures of her?
ReplyDeleteI hardly ever fax, so I got rid of mine. I can just tuck my cheap lightweight printer/scanner in a corner of the RV, I never know when I'll need it. You can't even find many places that do copies anymore.
If you have to fax, here is a way to fax from your computer, without having a fax machine:
Also most big supermarkets will do faxes for
$1 a page.
I hope that info comes in handy,
Happy Tails and Trails, Penny, TX