Today we decided that we would take the trailer back over to the storage lot where the motorhome is parked... Its up in North Mesa on the boarder with Apache Junction... There is barely enough room to park the trailer in behind the motorhome and stay within the parking markers in the ground..
But we managed to get it parked by backing it in so that back ramp doors of the trailer are against the back end of the motorhome. That way the tongue of the trailer is sticking out just a tad over the back of the parking space.... The storage guy was there while we were parking, and didn't say anything, so we took that as good to go....
We had to get back to the house as we were waiting for the Security service man to come and install the system and get it running... They rough in the window and door switches, but hadn't mounted the magnets on the actual windows... Something about the cleaning people knocking them off when they clean up the house after construction......
Also we needed the cellular phone system installed that links the entire thing back to the company... This is required because we don't have a land line phone here... It wouldn't make much sense when we will be gone so much of the time... Not cost effective.....
Of course we didn't do any of the work, but had to be here while the system fellow worked on everything... One by one he tested each sensor and proved that opening and closing the door or window would trip the alarm...
Then he called in and set the system up with the home office... Plus we had to be taught to work the system as well... And we can be thick headed sometimes.......... He left about 4 in the afternoon.....
But that was just in time for the landscaper to arrive to help us decide what to do with the back and side yards.... They are just graded gravel at this point and can't be left that way..... It is monsoon season here in the desert so drainage is paramount.
The loose dirt will wash under the fences and out into the street if left un rocked..... He calculated that we will need 30 tons of gravel to cover the yard.... That's more than a semi truck of crushed rock... We sat outside under the patio roof drawing up a landscape plan on an oaktag card... Some of it will be stamped concrete and also the irrigation system needs extended... It was 109 degrees while we were out there.
This will be a tad pricey, so I am getting used to sticker shock tonight... Its almost as bad as that furniture store......
But at about 10 PM we got our first taste of the monsoon, as it reached 112 for most of the afternoon while building high clouds cooked the remaining moisture out of the ground... The lightning cracked and the thunder boomed for a while tonight as the clouds let go of this rain all at once.
It was sill about 106 as this started, but the wind came up and blew the heat away. Suddenly our electronic gauge read 90.. And it just poured for a brief time... This is what will wash away the grading if we don't get after the landscaping right away...
90 almost seems cool, after 112 in the blazing summer sun....
Retired Rod
15 hours ago
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