Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bar Be Cue for one......

Of course one of the questions that I always get as a single guy, is how are you eating?????  You know, Bologna sandwiches and Kraft macaroni and cheese.....

Well its Sunday afternoon, so let's cook out!!

Um, fresh out of Bologna, maybe these butterfly center cut pork steaks will do.....

And on the inside flat top grill, lets do a few tatters....

My goodness, do ya think I can chow all that down??  Quit snickering....

Just what a fellow should do after a long ride on the motorcycle for most of the afternoon.....  Now maybe I should go for a long walk.....  After while, I'm still too full.....

I have much to do this coming week, as I still haven't corrected the credit card thing...  And I am going to look into the free Identity theft coverage that Target is offering for the next year...  Since they are the primary cause of this fun....

I also have a bunch of dead bushes that have to be dug out of the ground....  And the drip watering system needs to be reprogrammed...  Each drip head needs to be removed and un clogged....

As you can see, I am now aware that its only about three weeks until I have to leave Arizona...

I also understand that it is time change weekend...  Well not for us here in Arizona..... See, it gets hot....  Hotter than the face of the Sun some say here....  And pushing our day farther into the hot part just makes it more unbearable.   So folks get up with the dawn and go to work as quick as they can...   6AM is an arrival time for those that work outside...

That way they are done by 2 or 2:30...  By then, its darned hot...   But if we had sprung forward with daylight saving..... Well you see what the deal is...

Anyway, do you need to change your clock..........?

Retired Rod


  1. You are eating well! I like food on the grill but just rarely do it anymore just for myself. I still used charcoal and it's hardly worth it to get the coals just right for a one-person meal.

    Before the Target fiasco I had started using cash for most purchases. I used mostly cash on my trip last year and found I liked it. There are a couple of places I use my debit or credit card, but I mostly withdraw cash from the credit union and go the old-fashioned route. I never felt comfortable using the debit card at either Target or Walmart.

  2. I like the small Geo Forman type electric grill. The secret is get it good and hot before putting in the meat. Depending upon the thickness of the meat, it doesn't take very long to cook it. And I usually pull the plug halfway through cooking. A little messy sometimes, But consistent.
    I admire your picture of Roosevelt Dam. Very good angle, and nice and sharp, and perfect lighting. When you first put it up, I thought "that's not Roosevelt Dam." I was used to the old stepped face with the large stones. I knew they made it higher, but I didn't realize the covered the old rock blocks with concrete. Did you use a DSLR?

    1. The pictures are taken with a Panasonic DMC ZS10 point and shoot....

  3. I agree with Phil, that's a great shot of Roosevelt Dam.


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