Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where are we?

That's a good question....  As KC is in our rear view mirror...  We spent the night at the Mark Twain Campground in Hannibal, Mo...

This is the park where Ed and Marilyn spend their home time at...  The home of the famous cave where Tom Sawyer got lost with Becky Thatcher...

We weren't lost, but yesterday proved as an adventure just the same...   As we were leaving the KC area, on old highway 24, we were happy to get away.....  Finally after fixing broken stuff and so forth...

That happy proved to be short lived...  as a main battery power fuse circuit blew out leaving us with most of our dash electronics gone...  Including the dash AC...  We started the genny and the roof  air units...

They don't do much for the cab area of the MH..  We had the floor fans running moving the now hot air.   So we drove all day without AC or the gps and so forth..

Last night at the campground we cleaned out the locker where the master fuse panel is located up in its roof..  And after studying the books and the panel with a flash light, got the breaker located and reset..

About then the rain came pouring down..

As I write this we are in front of Wal Mart in Springfield, Il.   Loyce is in getting a few things as she puts it..   I need stuff too, so Biscuit is in charge of the
MH for a while...  With the roof airs running of course..

After some lunch we'll press on East.....

Retired Rod


  1. Good to see you on the road again.

  2. How far east are you coming?? Tennessee Maybe??

  3. Yikes! I had that experience once upon a time when the dash air wasn't working (lost its charge) and found the roof air just would NOT keep up. Got that fixed in a hurry.
    Good for you that you found the breaker to reset. Any idea why it popped? Could happen again.

    1. Bob, not only could, but will happen again.. Either the breaker is soft or there is too much stuff on that circuit.. Either way that will have to be addressed the next time we are in Red Bay, Al...

  4. Maybe we should call it the rolling sweat lodge!

    1. For you that don't know, Ben here is my son... and he seems to enjoy my anguish... LOL

  5. How come the a/c never acts up in the winter?

  6. Maybe the next time you're cleaning things up, you should check to see if Mr. Murphy is hiding somewhere. He seems to be following you around from K.C. to the Lake and now on the road!!


  7. Now that's FUNNY !!!! Hope things improve !!!!!


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