Remember when I was pushing to get the roof sealed up on the motorhome...? The nice weather just couldn't hold up because we were now in December I rationalized...
Well, it held off pretty well until late Sunday night, when the heat came on here in the house... It had been set at 68 several days before, just as a precaution for the middle of the night...
But I was up and writing the blog when I hear the furnace come on.... and wondered just how cold it was outside.... About 44....
And then last night it was 42 when I was headed for bed... But that wasn't the end of it as by morning the heat was running about every 15 minutes and it was 34 outside....
Once the sun was out about 7:30 things turned better and the heat quit...
And by noon we reached the magic temperature of 60, where I usually declare that its safe to ride the scooter... So ride I did...
No where in particular, but around to see the folks around here that I know... The realtor lady and our job foreman, but as usual he was way too busy to stop and talk much...
I rode off over to the more distant Wendy's South of the Valle Del Oro RV resort, but after cruising the shopping malls decided on a 6 inch sub way.... Not much of a lunch, but I wasn't in the mood for a heavy burger..
By the time I rode thru the RV park and back to the house it was mid afternoon and almost 70... Well not quite but it was OK as long as you stopped and didn't get out of the sun...
You know, overall it was bright and sunny and still a really nice day.. Loyce went off on her shopping jaunt before I left, and I would only be left sitting in the car waiting for her, so running around aimlessly on the scoot seems like a good trade off....
Just a slow retired day on the desert... With no work accomplished to speak of.... Seems about right though....
Retired Rod
1 day ago
Sounds like a good day to me.