I can't believe it! Its midnight, and I am up watching Jim Skelton and Michael Davis on the Shop NBC network sell Invicta watches and I haven't purchased anything. But that's not what I can't believe.
Its Raining! As I type this, the sound is off on the TV, and I can hear the pitter patter of the sprinkles of rain on the fiberglass surface of the roof. I haven't heard that in weeks, here in the desert. In fact, this is only the second time I think it has rained since we arrived back in early December.
This afternoon, I was out to get that customary sandwich mid afternoon, and I rode over to the Mesa Swap Meet for a while. I walked the B aisle for a while, from one end to the other. Some day I really need to measure the length of the shopping concourse, but it has to be at least a 1/4 mile. Of course as you wander around inside the booths and stuff, it isn't like you were on a force hike or anything.
I didn't buy much. Well anything, except for three little state flags on a stick. Kansas, Arizona and a US flag. Then I didn't think to purchase the stand that they go into, and Loyce pointed out that error when I got home. But Hey, I got the flags.
As I was riding home, I noticed that it was becoming rather cloudy in the West. And once I had parked it became overcast during the sunset. I slipped back outside and put the cover on the bike.
Then about the time that the football game was getting over, we heard the awning rattle the whole side of the coach. I opened the door to find that the wind was blowing the palm trees rather briskly, and I retracted the electric awning.
And now the rain. We are to have it off and on for the next several days. Or not, as the case may be. Often rain forecast never arrives here in the desert. A non event. But for sure, we will have much cooler weather with daytime highs in the 60s rather than the 70s and by Wednesday we are to have a daytime high of only 56.
Last year we were deluged with rain for about a week during the week just passed, so a few sprinkles and cool weather will be quite fine. May slow the bike riding some but beyond that, only a minor inconvenience.
While they say partly cloudy, I will bet that the old desert sun will burn right thru by mid afternoon on most of the days next week.
Other than that, we had a somewhat slow day today, and Biscuit was upset that she had to sit still for Loyce to comb her out, after daddy got her all wet yesterday. Most of the dust was gone, so she is partially presentable anyway.
Retired Rod
12 hours ago