That was just as well because the tablet computer reported 38 degrees and I had to take some time to get a number of layers of clothes on....
I left the house about 9 AM and it was up over 40 by then...... On the way to Lexington I took mostly interstates and well traveled highways.... They were to start the lunches at 10:30 and it was 70 miles away...
But I made it in good time...
This place is kind of a hole in the wall... I is next to a large old hotel building but is only the small building where everyone is standing...
We went right in and had minimal room to sit down.. Just a few booths along the wall and the long bar...... I opted for a table in the back with some of the other fellows....
I'm not sure what we had to talk about but it was past noon, when we came back out to the street... Everyone was sitting along the vacant lot's wall next to the restaurant, chewing the fat... By now it was in the 60s..
I only took these shots with the cell phone, but I did find that I had the camera in the back of the bike after I got back home..... You know how that works out....
From the Romeo web site I grabbed a shot inside...
It was really tight inside, which means you can't talk to many folks other than the ones sitting at your table...
So much of the conversation was outside along this wall and bench....
I followed a couple of the riders back along the road next to the Missouri River for a number of miles, but they were on a mission to get back to KC... I tagged along just to see how they planned to make the ride....
They were going to the Engle's Motorcycle shop where they sell BMWs, and I guessed that from where they went... I had never been there so I continued to tag along.... Seems that one of them had a service appointment and they were leaving a bike there...
They headed off down into the lower floors of the bike shop, while I just browsed the new machines and clothes upstairs.... But by now it was 2 in the afternoon and I was still 20 miles from home, so I headed on out....
Never did see them again, but that was OK because I had just tagged along anyway... They had business to attend to...
Once back home it became a routine day again but the sun was nice and the day brightened my spirits a bunch.... Over 140 miles ridden but in three segments... So it didn't seem long at all....
Romeo Web Site for the day
Retired Rod
Looks like a good time, I'd love to get a motorcylce some day.
Glad to see you had a good time with your Romeo's group. Being retired, isn't it great to get out with a bunch of guys for lunch once in a while? I do that too (only not on a motorcycle) and it always makes me feel just a bit better - it must be the laughter and great stories!!