This has been an exemplary fall here in Mesa this year.... We had another one of those days where the temperatures are exactly perfect...
I was up around 5 AM this morning before it became light outside and the temperature here on our weather station said 52 degrees... Usually we would have made it down into the 40s after thanksgiving but not yet...
Right before dawn is the coldest part of the day here on the desert.. but I was surprised to see that inside our temperatures were still reading 71...
Usually in the motorhome we will turn the heat on once it gets into the 40s at night and sometimes even in the 50s it will become cool enough to start the electric space heaters...
But we have not had to run the heat here in the house yet for even the coolest nights... That kind of surprises me as I had no idea how well this new house would do when it got cold outside....
Last year in the first part of January we had several days where it never became warm enough to ride the motorscooter during the day...
I always decided that it needed to be 60 outside to ride without bundling up a whole lot more than I do here in the desert.... Luckily those days are few here even all winter... But it won't be too long now that we will begin to have highs in the upper 60s rather than the upper 70s..
I never worry much about this change because it will only last for about 6 weeks, and we will be right back to the nice spring like days we have been enjoying for the last month...
But I made the mistake this morning of laying back down for another few minutes, once the dawn was over... and the next thing we knew it was 9 AM... Of course that sets the day behind... and then I had to read all the blogs...
Sometime around noon I rode the bike over to the motorcycle dealership over by the superstition mall.... This time they had received my gas door hinge from the regional parts office and in only a few minutes I had the piece and a receipt..
I rode around some, but found my way back to Wal Mart... Here I purchased the ingredients to make a home made pizza.. Back home, I set about that gas door...
It took me a few minutes to study how the spring went onto the door and hinge.. Snapping the hinge onto the door isn't too much, but the metal bow spring has to be compressed with a pliers in order to load the tension.
The trick here is not to break the plastic parts, while only putting the compression on the metal spring... But since I have done this before, it went together more easily today...
And the Pizza was quite tasty, but takes a rather long time when you start to make the dough from scratch allowing it to rise in the gas oven first... But I was only reading the android pad reader and enjoying the nice outside temps anyway...
A slower day but enjoyable all the same..
Retired Rod
19 hours ago