This fall has taken a serious note for me this year, because I failed the colon scope test that I had back in late August. I have a growth that is too large to remove with the scope probe up inside my bowel.
That has caused numerous tests and trips to all kinds of Doctors and has captivated my time ever since. They are not calling this cancer as of now, because they say it is a benign growth. But of course once they remove it, it will be tested.
Friday of this week is my surgery, and I am not looking forward to that at all!! Chicken!!! But the cup will not pass. So I will be missing from the blog for about a week or so. They anticipate a 5 day stay in the hospital.
So now you know why I was looking for a bath robe, and why I needed to winterize the motorhome. I will not be able to do these things for about 6 weeks once the operation is over. The whole no lifting over 10 pounds scenario.
I do not want this blog, which I started as a travel blog, to turn into General Hospital, where I report and complain about how much misery I currently perceive myself to be in. See comment about being chicken above.
So today was again back over to the medical center complex where they checked out further unmentionable and humbling areas of my anatomy. And I am also attempting to get last minute loose ends taken care of before I become out of the picture for a while.
And of course I was configuring this new computer with email accounts and loading a bunch of pictures to it and all the other stuff that isn't ready for prime time. And that necessitated a nap in the afternoon.
I will have to put the motorscooter into storage about Wednesday afternoon, so That will be the end of my riding until much later in the year. I do plan to take it to Arizona if possible, since it will be nice down there by mid January, and hopefully I will be back in shape to once again command the roadways.
So as this week progresses, I will lose control of my own destiny, which is very hard for me. But I seem to be in very capable hands with great Doctors and a built in RN nurse as that was Loyce's profession before retiring.
Tomorrow I will continue to try and think of all the stuff that needs to be attended to before Friday.
Retired Rod
1 day ago
Good luck with your procedure, we will be praying for a positive result,hopefully in a few weeks you will be feeling well enough to get back to the blog. I have my every 3 month checkup on Friday and then next week will be heading for my sisters. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.
ReplyDeleteWell my friend, it looks like you are sailing into stormy seas alright but I can see you are already battening down the hatches & securing the deck gear for rough waters. Trust in the medical crew to steer you safely through the tempest & bring you out the other side into sunlight & calm waters. Rely on your crew of friends & family to bolster your spirits until you are once again at the wheel & Captain of your own Destiny. Oh, & don't forget to take your laptop to the recovery room.....we'll all be anxiously waiting to read your ship's log report:))
ReplyDeleteGood luck Rod; you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteOne of your many blog friends reaching out to you offering support and prayers for a good outcome and a speedy recovery...and a big hug too! ()
ReplyDeleteOh, Rod, I'm so sorry to hear about the colonoscopy results. Please think good, positive thoughts. Remember there is power in positive thinking. Please let us know how you're doing as soon as you can, we'll all be looking forward to hearing from you.
ReplyDeleteHey Rod, we'll all be waiting anxiously to hear the results of your surgery and trusting it will be good news and you will soon be on your way to a full recovery. You'll be getting the best of care both in the hospital and when you get back home, that's for sure.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, in a few of our hospitals up here, they now have a Tim Horton's in addition to the regular cafeteria. Any chance your hospital just might have a Wendy's??
What they said! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and Loyce, well maybe especially Loyce as she will have to deal with your ups and downs while the rest of us probably just a glimpse. I'm with Sandra and thinking positive thoughts is good advice.
ReplyDeleteRod, I'm sorry to hear that your colonoscopy didn't turn out so well. We will have you in our thoughts and prayers on Friday and during your recovery. I had a Colon Re-section in 2004 so I know your reservations about the procedure. Take care of yourself and hopefully all will be well soon and you will be headed to AZ. We will be in the Yuma area from about Dec 15th - March 15th. If you are close, maybe we can get together again.
ReplyDelete(((HUGS))) to you and Loyce
Good luck with the surgery and recovery. We will all be thinking of you.
ReplyDeleteRod! That's sorry news. I'm sure you will pull through your surgery without problems, especially with Loyce as your advocate. We'll look forward to hearing from you when you're on your way to recovery. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteOur thoughts & prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Doug & JoAnn
ReplyDeleteGood Luck Rod we will keep you in our thoughts and prayers that surgery goes well and for a speedy recovery.
ReplyDeleteHi Rod, I am behind on my blog reading and just getting to it today. I am sorry to hear that the results of your colonoscopy requires further procedures. Having just come from a hospital stay myself, I know it's not fun, but if it's like my stay, there will be lots of dedicated people there to keep you on the road to recovery! I am praying for positive results!!