We are now back in KC, and the trip took the same three and a half hours that it always does. And there was no GPS needed. I can't say the car knows the way, since it is a new car that has only made the trip once before, but it does seem so automatic.
We had to be off by 10 in the morning, because this was another in the series of medical days for me, and I couldn't be late. They even called to make sure I was back in town. So we just barely arrived and got our stuff loaded into the house when I had to take off for the doctor's office.
So that was pretty much the end of my day here in KC. We are all home and buttoned up in the house for the night, and we are forecast to have a really nice day tomorrow, but since we haven't been here for over a week, the lawn is ready to bale. So there won't be any rest tomorrow, LOL.
Retired Rod
14 hours ago
I'm always glad to hear I have the company of fellow bloggers in cutting and baling the lawn!