Today was our first Friday of the new season here at Mesa Spirit. Each Friday the staff kicks off a new week with their news bulletin and weekly themed activities. Mostly we are not good participants, but we do watch as the activities pass by.
On Friday a noon luncheon is held called Country Store. Each week a new soup of the week is sold along with hot dogs, ice cream sundaes and cones. The rec hall is filled with tables for the weekly swap meet which attracts vendors from all over the area. Folks come for the luncheon and stay for the shopping. Popcorn is a quarter, and pop is fifty cents. The park seems quite empty, but I was amazed at the number of folks at the rec hall. The place was over half full.
Now last spring the Country Store was able to fill the rec hall to overflowing.
I thought we should go over to the Mesa Market Place, and see how the local swap meet was coming along, but Loyce didn't want to go and canceled the entire idea.
So mid afternoon, we headed out to the East from the park, stopping at Wal Mart first. That killed another hour, before we got away. We headed out to the Northern most road of Mesa and Apache Junction. This was a good sight seeing trip, as we refreshed our memory of the area.
We ended up at the Apache Junction Wal Mart to purchase some products that were not at the Mesa store. By then it was getting dark. So we headed to our favorite restaurant. Fuddruckers!
I had my french fried sweet potatoes! I think I like them better than the burger. I order the smallest burger but enjoy the fries. Every last one of them!
Another Friday in Arizona!
Retired Rod
15 hours ago
We stayed in Apache Junction for a week a little over 2 years ago and loved that whole area. Lots of great day trips to sightsee for sure. Our park in Desert Hot Springs has a lot of activities too, but we prefer just to watch most of them as well.