Another slow day, just the way we like them. It became warmer by about 9 AM. Warmer, equals over 60 degrees, and we are able to leave the door open after that.
We had breakfast and sat around reading the computer, and Loyce doing her crafts. No one suggested going anywhere. But Loyce declared she needed to go over to K Mart to check on some of her prescriptions. I hung back at the ranch.
While she was gone, I cleaned up with a shower and fresh clothes. Now we were ready to leave, but the only place we needed to go was another craft store. Loyce's favorite place, Jo Ann's. So I quickly decided that we would go to the new store 10 miles South of us here in Mesa.
This is in the San Tan Valley, and has the new Interstate running on its South side. Bordered on the East by the San Tan Mountains from where it gets its name. The area is unincorporated, so its called an Area and has struggled with a name, but finally got a post office this past summer.
The shopping area is brand new, and has a new Wal Mart and Sam's Club as part of the anchor stores. And of course the Jo Ann's that was our destination. I went to the food row of the outer shopping and found the Wendy's. One little 99 cent burger and a value fries. With the senior discount was $2.14. My lunch! Loyce had already eaten at the MH.
We drove around the area, and found a Dollar Store, but again I waited in the car.
We returned home, and I began wire brushing a rusty area on the entrance steps. A wire wheel in the drill prepared the step for paint. But I had no paint!
So now it was scooter time to ride the 4 miles each way to Wal Mart, were Rustoleum was waiting to be purchased. After the paint job was done, the sun disappeared into the West, and it became cold almost instantly.
As the days get shorter, the desert gets colder. But we will leave here and go back to Kansas, where the weather is rainy and cold, so I will not complain about cold and dark. We made it into the 70's and I had no jacket until the scooter ride, so life is good.
Retired Rod
15 hours ago
Jo-Ann's and quilt stores! Your days sometimes sound very much like ours! Happy Thanksgiving - enjoy the day tomorrow!