It was sunny this morning and the day began somewhat warm, but we knew it was slated to turn bad fairly quickly. And since it is to be almost freezing at night and never much more than 60 during the days, a decision had to be made.
It just wouldn't be scooter riding time again until later in the week, and by then we would be on our way back to Kansas. Scooter time was over for this winter...........
So I put a couple of ounces of Stabil in the gas tank and headed off to the gas station to fill it up. It doesn't quite hold 4 gallons. Once full I drove around a big four mile square block to mix the stabilizer into the gas and suck it up into the injection system. That's when I noticed that the wind was really blowing. It had begun.
Once back at the RV site, I hitched the utility trailer to the car and pulled it out away from the utility pole at the back of the lot and dropped the back ramp door. Of course it was full of boxes of stuff, you know that junk you never know what to do with.....
But once that was set outside, I buzzed around the block and drove in over the back fence neighbor's drive and right up into the trailer. That neighbor has a park model but does not have a back wall on the driveway so it was a straight shot. And also she went home sometime last week so its all vacant. But of course the neighbor on our drivers side came right out to make certain that I wasn't hurting anything over there. As short term residents, we have never been invited into the fold so to speak here at this park. And the long term click members really don't trust us much.....
But with the bike loaded, we packed up all the outside stuff and filled the rest of the trailer. It is going to rain and dust storm according to the forecast, so outside isn't going to be too pleasant anyway. I did wash the bike and the front windshield of the coach this morning, betting that the rains wouldn't be muddy. Of course that doesn't matter for the bike because it is in the trailer now.
In the mid afternoon, we pulled the trailer over to the storage lot and parked it. We are now that much closer to departure. And its a good thing too as the wind blew strongly for the rest of the afternoon.
I headed out for a Subway lunch and went over to the new house. We have completed plumbing in the ground now as it is ready for inspection on Monday. We'll be gone Tuesday morning so that's the end of our daily inspection. Now we just have to trust!! But I guess if we never see anything bad, we will never know about it. And that will be somewhat of a peace of mind.
If it really rains and the wind blows, the project out in the mud of the open sewer trenches will probably come to a complete stop for a while anyway......
Tonight we had numerous neighbors that were hosting St. Patrick's Day parties. The park was alive with folks sitting out in the driveways of park models everywhere. These old folks can still drink and party without regard to their age. Laughter went on until about 11 PM, but then is seemed to abruptly stop. Just like that everyone became a pumpkin and lights went off...
It was supposed to rain by now, but perhaps I shouldn't point that out too loudly, could be the calm before the storm........
Retired Rod
22 hours ago
11:00PM is past my bed time now, they must do pretty well. Home their attitudes change when you get back in the fall to your new digs. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..
ReplyDeleteI never have understood why SOME folks who come from somewhere other than the West don't understand the hospitality of the West. I cringed when I read about the snob face you received when you wanted to ride with "the group." Now I'm seeing that they had St. Pat's parties all over your park. Whatever happened to things like welcoming new neighbors with a plate of cookies or even just a plain Howdy? I think I'm out of sync with the world, I guess. Times have changed.
Definitely the calm before the storm.