We are back at the sticks and bricks. Its less than an hour home, most of the time, but this being Friday, driving thru Lawrence, was slow. The U of Kansas should mostly be out of session right now, but there were students everywhere.
Since I am still getting my bus driving legs back, all that nasty city driving is the pits. You have to keep moving along, because there are seldom places where you can pull in, when you are 37 feet long.
Years ago I drove the 66 passenger school bus that we had purchased for the boy scout troop. It was a 5 speed manual shift with a two speed split axle. It felt even heavier than this motor home, but the similarities are astounding. The biggest difference is the steering tires on the motorhome are underneath and somewhat behind you.
That gives you a sensation of swinging in an arc ahead of the turn you are making. This messes with your judgement on arriving in a specific lane, on a multi lane intersection. I'll get it, but right now I have to be at full attention.
I topped with fuel when we got back to Olathe. Pulled into the semi lanes at the truck stop. The filler cap is almost in the middle of the back end. In the car lanes, when you find diesel, it is at a combo pump. When you are so long, it is hard to get close enough to the pump to reach around the back, with a standard pump hose.
In the truck island, you come into the pumps straight on, and there are hoses on both sides. Filling is much simpler this way. The tractor trailer drivers give you a look of disapproval, like you don't belong, so you have to ignore that. The lady at the fuel desk takes your money all the same.
Loyce doesn't like the truck stop much, so she headed for home ahead of me.
Tonight, hitch itch has set in fairly badly! I want to go over to the storage lot right now and head on out!
Retired Rod
3 hours ago
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