I spent the day with the Geeks on Tour today! You are familiar with the Geeks aren't you? I have joined their web page by paying the membership for the last couple of years, but seem to put off the study I have paid for.
We are so predictable as humans! We have these good intentions, but never seem to get around to the stuff we should do. But anyway, I watched the beginner group of Picasa videos here today.
I have to do this here at home since they are band width intensive. We have cable TV for our telephone, and internet as well as the TV channels. This is quite high priced, but it is mostly for the TV. The unlimited internet is something like $35. We also have nationwide phone calls that are comparably priced with Vonage.
So with "use all you want band width" bring on the Picasa lessons. In most cases, I knew what the program would do, but not the keystrokes to get there. I have been using it as my photo editor, but struggling to make the options work. Now I understand how to change the views, to conventional tree format, and save the photos back again.
What they call the flat directory, (default) had me completely baffled. Since I understand the directory structure on the disk, the idea of no sub directories and albums that do not follow file structure is all wrong. The geeks used a books in the library example, relating the flat directory to the card catalogue. There can be several cards in the catalogue referring to the one book on the shelf. Me, I want to learn the shelves and can't relate to the index system.
I didn't mean to get into explaining what I learned today, but just wanted to relate that their explanations are clear and precise. Very understandable.
But then it was Mrs. Geek, Chris Gould, that explained blogger with her videos, that got me started blogging in the first place.
I used to use Yahoo and Flickr, but it was more than difficult with shabby results. I copied some of the old blogs over to blogger, but then never went back. I can't even remember the passwords now.
We reached 49 degrees today and that means the weather man was wrong again. It was sunny and nice all day, except it is a tad cold to work outside. Most of my projects are on hold until spring anyway, so the weather is wonderful! Tomorrow is to be 36, which will be cool again.
Lets hope they are wrong again! LOL.
Retired Rod
12 hours ago
That Picasa stuff of which you speak sounds very technical to me & it's probably good I don't understand anything about that or I would give up my Picasa program in sheer frustration forever!!
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right about the 'flat folder' view in Picasa. I can never understand why they make that the default view as it is foreign to everyone and, I think, the main cause as to why many users give up on Picasa in frustration. The tree view is much more familiar and easy to understand.