Hello from Tucumcari, New Mexico. It is quite a drive to get here from Mesa, Arizona. We left after 9 A M and headed right out of town on the highway to Payson. We had just made this trip last week, so we knew the way.
In Payson, Loyce announced that we had to stop at the quilt store. Surprise surprise. She had ordered something, and needed to pick it up. I dropped her off and headed to Wal Mart. I just needed some toiletries, but that was better than sitting in the car.
We headed out over the mountains to the North, and promptly ran into fog and snow flurries. The stuff was melting on the road, so it never got slick, but the windshield was collecting the mess. I was glad to see the top, as once over the mountain, the snow stopped.
We drove thru several places that had snow on Sunday, with the most accumulation East of Albuquerque. Glad we didn't head out in that.
Tonight we are in a motel, which is quite a shock to our system. We never like motels. The last motel was back in Wisconsin when we went to our niece's wedding. Spoiled aren't we?
Only 600 miles to KC! We should be home by tomorrow night.
Retired Rod
2 hours ago
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