Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day

Inauguration for me was listening to the speeches from  the relaxed, leaned way back position with the laughing gas over my nose. Yah, the dentist’s chair. The somewhat ironic part was that we were listening to the coverage on the Rush Limbaugh radio network.  Of course he wasn’t always happy about the content of the folks at the podium.  The radio station was the Dentist’s choice.  This is McCain’s home state.

So that was the late morning here.  Since we are 2 hours behind Washington, DC, 11 AM was 1PM there.  I had an old crown cut off, that had been on a tooth for 15 years, and it was metal.   The grinder that split that thing seemed to buzz me right down to my soul.  I heard him telling the assistant that he was using the carbide wheel to cut the steel crown.  I started to concentrate more on Rush!

So after this wonderful experience, I spent the afternoon convalescing.  Hanging around the trailer, and going with Loyce to Wal Mart by the way of the What a Burger stand.  Once I had some taste back in my tongue.

Tonight we watched the balls, and listened to the various speeches, at each.  Between tylenol pills, that is.  Oh the joy!

Retired Rod

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